We’re hoping this newsletter is accompanied by some much anticipated sunshine and warmer weather!
Markets have improved through the first quarter. The Fed has their hands full with trying to fight inflation without pushing rates too fast and disrupting the banking sector. We continue to favor high quality stocks/bonds and dividend paying investments at this point.
The recent banking crisis has raised warranted concerns about our financial system. The events over the last few weeks are a primary result of rapid interest rate hikes combined with internal mismanagement at a few select institutions. The Federal Reserve and Treasury have expressed willingness to support the financial system, if necessary, while maintaining the headline goal of taming inflation by continuing to hike interest rates.
Overall, we do not expect a repeat of 2008. We also do not expect the Federal Reserve to rapidly change course and become accommodative. Therefore, opportunity lies in fixed income as rates remain high, emerging markets, and quality equities that remain below multi year highs.
We continue to monitor and make adjustments we see fit within the portfolios.
Expect a call from either Makayla or Jenn to schedule reviews, but please reach out if you’d like to get together either in person or via the phone.
Swenson Wealth Team
Travis, Brady, Mark, Makayla, & Jenn