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July 2018 Newsletter

A Special "Thanks" To Our Clients That Referred Others To Us This Month!


Golden Years Financial Advisors has partnered with Gradient Gives Back Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non profit organization, to devote its resources to assisting distressed or underprivileged American families who are at risk of
losing their homes.

This program is dedicated to offering one deserving family six months of mortgage or lease payments. Do you know a deserving family in need of a hand-up?

Visit to apply
or nominate a family today!



Hot Topic

How Will Social Security Impact Your Retirement?

Having a solid base of understanding on Social Security strategy is vital for retirement success. If done correctly, you can better maximize your overall retirement income plan. Understanding Social Security is one step to you avoid any costly mistakes as you plan for retirement.

Once you’re no longer working, your working income streams stop but your need for income does not. Identifying other guaranteed sources of income that you can use to replace your old salary is a challenge that many retirees face. Many retirees have some type of assets they can rely upon, like money in a savings or retirement account, or other investments like stocks, but this is often not enough to provide a steady income stream. In other words, a shortfall often remains between the amounts you have and the amount you will need during retirement. This “income gap,” as it’s referred to, needs to be bridged somehow to have a long and happy retirement, and Social Security can be a useful tool in filling a portion of that gap.




Fourth of July Fun Facts 1

  1. Only 2 people actually signed the Declaration on July 4th: John Hancock and Charles Thompson. Most of the other signed on August 2nd.
  2. Calvin Coolidge was the only president to be born on July 4th.
  3. Three presidents have died on July 4th - John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe.
  4. July 4th wasn't deemed a federal holiday until 1870, nearly 100 years after the nation was founded.
  5. Americans consume around 155 million hot dogs on the 4th of July
  6. $341.4 million is spent on beer and $167.5 million on watermelon for the 4th of July


Tips & Tricks

If I'm Covered by Medicare, Should I Have Additional Health Insurance? 2

You may need to purchase health insurance to supplement your Original Medicare coverage, because Medicare generally won't cover all of your medical expenses. Usually, you'll have to satisfy a deductible before Medicare pays anything, and you'll also pay a co-payment when you visit a physician or are admitted to the hospital.




Grilled Chicken Pizza

For easy grilled pizza, start with a prepared pizza crust, shredded cheese and fresh tomatoes. Add grilled chicken to make it a hearty meal.



2. Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. Copyright, 2018

Investment advisory services offered through Golden Years Financial Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor in the state of Indiana. Insurance products and services are offered through Golden Years Planning Services, Inc. and Anthony Financial Services, affiliated companies. Golden Years Financial Advisors, Inc. and Golden Years Planning Services, Inc. are not affiliated with or endorsed by the Social Security Administration or any government agency. Golden Years Financial Advisors, Inc., is not affiliated with Gradient Give Back Foundation. All written content is for information purposes only. It is not intended to provide any tax or legal advice or provide the basis for any financial decisions. The information contained herein is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities, products or services mentioned, and no offers or sales will be made in jurisdictions in which the offer or sale of these securities, products or services is not qualified or otherwise exempt from regulation. The information contained in this material have been derived from sources believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed as to accuracy and completeness and does not purport to be a complete analysis of the materials discussed.


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